Alcoholics Anonymous
AA meets three times a week in the Multipurpose room (The former AIC building in back)
Mondays– 7:30 – 8:30 pm
-1st Monday starts at 7:00 pm for business meeting
-2nd Monday starts at 6:30 pm for birthday meeting
Fridays– 7:30 – 8:30 pm
History of Ridge Runners Express Group of Alcoholics Anonymous History
The Ridge Runners Express Group began in September 1988. It was started by two women who lived on the Ridge that could not get to town for meetings. At the third meeting, September 26, 1988, there were 8 members , and the AA Central Office in New York was contacted to officially register the meeting.
In the beginning meetings were held Monday nights from 7:30 to 9PM. Averaging 8 regular members. In December of 1988 a Wednesday night meeting was added. By January of 1989 the group had grown to 15 regular members.
1989 was a year of immense growth for the group. The meetings averaged 25 regular members. In July the Potluck Barbeque was started. Towards the end of the year a large tight knit group of members had been formed.
In May of 1990 the Ridge Runners Express Group loaned money to help start an Alanon meeting at the Methodist Church of North San Juan.
In September of 1990 the Wednesday night meeting moved to Friday.
The Ridge Runners held it’s first group inventory in 1992. The issues they addressed were whether the meeting be “Open or Closed”, could drugs be discussed? do we need a NA meeting on the ridge? and eliminating the smoke break. It was decided that the group would be open and inclusive to allow people to share as they needed. The members felt that many people were recovering from drugs because of the AA 12 step program. The group conscience voted for “ACCEPTANCE OF EACH OTHER” , allowing that if anything were ‘recovery’related – like Alanon, NA, other 12 step programs, sweatlodges, etc… it could be announced.
Towards the end of the 90’s meeting attendance dropped, averaging 3 – 5 members. Attendance started to increase in 2003, averaging 5 – 8 members.
In 2010 the meeting time was changed from 1 ½ hours to 1 hour.
The meetings had always been held in the North San Juan AIC one room schoolhouse located on Hwy 49 and Sweetland Road until 2011The meeting moved into a newer building directly behind the schoolhouse on the same piece of property.
Today our group averages 10 to 15 members. We have Monday and Friday meetings that are open to anyone and a women’s only meeting on Wednesdays . Our little group still upholds the original group conscience of “ACCEPTANCE OF EACH OTHER”.
Written by Kimi B.