Community Garden

“Pollinators, the Ambassadors of Abundance, are in need of great care and thought if we are to encourage the healing of our ecosystem. We hold this space for all beneficial insects as a safe refuge and abundant food source. Please enjoy and interact with this space while respecting the life that inhabit these grounds, plants and insects alike. “
In the spring of 2017 an enthusiastic group of volunteers came together for a garden workday to create the Polinator Garden. This space is home to both native and non-native perennial herbs and flowers, countless insects, Garden Giant (Wine Cap Stropharia) mushrooms and garden appreciators. The intention for the pollinator garden is to create an environment with a rich and diverse food source for pollinators throughout the year. As the seasons pass, more and more perennials are planted for diversity and a cascading bloom into fall. Over the last few years we have had our issues with access to water. We were just approved in Winter of 2021 for a new well and irrigation system. We are enthusiastic to complete this project and see our orchards and gardens thrive!

In addition to supplementing the weekly meals at the community center, winter squashes are also stored to supplement the meals for the winter warming shelter we host. The local community is also encouraged to harvest the abundance grown here. Our intention is to create food security and resilience by offering public and open sourced garden space. With this as our focus we keep people-care front and center. Our ask is to please not harvest the last of anything, always leave something for someone else as well as help with supplemental watering and weeding if available.

Garden Giant mushrooms (Wine Cap Stropharia) were intentionally planted in the Pollinator Garden. We mulched many of the perennials with inoculated oak chips and they took off! This special mushroom is edible and an incredible soil builder for the garden. They feed off many types of hard woods and conifers in addition to soil and help transport water and nutrients to plants. They now grow throughout the entire garden space, under the shade of plants, in the pathways… EVERYWHERE. Keep an eye out for these delicious treats.

To help create more food abundance for pollinators, seeds are collected from the Pollinator Garden and are given out for free at local community events. Pollinator favorites such as Sunflowers, Calendula, Yarrow, Mullein, poppies, milk thistle and more.